6 Week Group Health Coaching Program

If you’re looking for support to improve your health, eat better, move more or just find ways to stick to good habits, this is for you.

Do you…….

😒Feel like a stranger in your body.

😒 Find that nothing that’s worked before is working now.

😒Realise that there is no ‘quick fix’.

😒Struggle with Menopausal symptoms.

😒Keep telling yourself you’ll start next week or when you’ve more time....

How would you feel if....

😊You were back in control of your health

😊Feel like you are finally addressing your health concerns

😊Trust yourself around food

😊Lose fat for the long-term.

What you will get:

  1. Initial coaching call to find out where you’re at and where you want to go.

  2. A weekly group zoom, where we will discuss strategies to help keep you on track

  3. Two live workouts per week (online, but you can catch up later if not live)

  4. A Facebook Community to help support and share goals/recipes whatever comes up.

  5. A follow up call to see where to go from there.

Investment - £100

I know, you get a lot for this price. I want to make good health and good habits available for everyone.

Next one is October

Join the wait list