6 Week Health Kickstart

You are capable of change.
Feel empowered with my premium package of 6 weeks 1-1 health coaching tailored for you.

It will be life changing.

My 6 week health kickstart is for you if you..

  • Are a 50+ woman who feels like a stranger in their own body.

  • Struggling with menopausal symptoms?

  • Put off ‘getting healthy’ - you have another glass of wine and think you’ll start next week.

  • Feel getting healthy is confusing and you don’t know where to start - you’ve tried every diet going but eventually ended up where you started, and now wonder where to turn

  • Have a wardrobe full of clothes, in different sizes that don’t fit or make you feel good.

  • Have that nagging feeling that you’re not getting the most out of your life - that the way you feel about yourself is holding you back from enjoying everything you have.

  • Are finally realising there just is no quick fix and it’s no longer only about how you look but also how you feel at this stage in your life. You want to feel like your ‘old’ self again, but find it impossible to know how to begin. 

It’s about setting up the foundations that will be with you for the rest of your life.

Find a way to exercise regularly and in a way you enjoy alongside someone who really gets you, knows exactly how you feel and what movement suits you (no unnecessary bouncing required!)

  • Lose fat for the long-term using simple, daily habits rather than extreme restrictions or diet plans 

  • Feel like you are really living the life you desire - with the tools and knowledge that you are capable of change and you deserve and can enjoy yourself! 

After 6 weeks I want you to…

  • Feel back in control of your health - free from food guilt, waking up with clothes you can wear and feel-good in 

  • Feel confident again - saying yes to those invitations, excited to go to those events and out with your friends and family, without overthinking or worrying about how you look and feel 

  • Trust yourself around food - so you can go out, enjoy your holidays and eat what you want without “going over the top” or forever analysing what you pick 

  • Get up in the morning with a plan of action - feeling lighter, more positive about the day, knowing what to eat and when your daily movement is going to fit in to your schedule 

I provide a safe and non judgmental space for you to explore your unique health and fitness goals and hold you accountable in your efforts for realistic self improvement.

How it works

Eat healthily, no dieting

Workout for your body

Shift your mindset

The kickstart plan

Over 6 weeks together we will create a plan and keep you on-track to reach the health goals you set.

Our time together includes:

  • An initial 1-1 health coaching call, where we’ll discuss your goals.

  • A weekly catch up call

  • Training sessions tailored to your level of fitness and preferred ways of working out

  • Notes sent after sessions, with steps to take towards your goals

  • Message support to keep you on-track with your healthy eating and living plan.

The investment:


Frequently Asked Questions

  • No, I train anyone who wants to make changes to their health and fitness. I particularly love helping those 50+ do this as I’m passionate about the benefits and doing this work on myself too.

  • We can still work together on the 12 week Health Kickstart wherever you’re based; I also offer Zoom 1:1 sessions for our consultations and workouts. All you’ll need is to invest in a pair of dumbbells to get you started from your own home.

  • That’s okay! The 12 Week Health Kickstart is tailored fully to you. We start very steady - you’ll be amazed how quickly you improve with my support and a bit of consistency.